About This Game ABOUT THIS GAME Players will be immune from the virus outbreak and must survive the situation by hoarding food, finding shelter and protecting yourself from wildlife, bandits, and infected. Players can also help other survivors and get the survivors to join your camp. Players will experience dense mist that can happen at any time. The dense mist environment is accompanied by certain events, such as the infected people come around to find preys. People who are infected and mutated will be able to come out outdoors at night or when there is no sunshine that means they can also hunt players while the fog is covered.CURRENT FEATURE Single player PvE Sandbox Dynamic fog weather and Day-Night cycle Time Mechanics (passing time, sleeping, time is accelerated when doing something that takes time) Crafting Base Building Generator and electrical appliance mechanics Camp control NPC Management Ai (Bandit, Infected, Animalsm Allies Survivor) Animal Husbandry Character Survival Status Mechanics (Sickness, wound) Wound Status Mechanics Equipment and clothing system Camp and house defense World explore (forest, village, military camp, small town, hidden area) Stealth and takedown mechanics Driving Small trap mechanicsDEVELOPMENT ROADMAP Manage performance and optimize the game for the better in the EA Version Fixing bugs in the game will still be tested in many parts, of course, there must have many bugs followed. However, i will do my best. Add more animals such as deer and wolf Manage and adjust Survivor NPC to be more complex. Main story and storytelling The main storyline of the Mist and the arrival of the threat (Aliens) Improved User Interface NPC Management Dynamic weather and season system (rain and snow) More infected (Seeker, Berserker, and more) Improved Ai Behavior (bandit, survivor) 7aa9394dea Title: Mist SurvivalGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Simulation, Early AccessDeveloper:Rati WattanakornprasitPublisher:Rati WattanakornprasitRelease Date: 15 Aug, 2018 Mist Survival Download] [Crack Serial Key Mist Survival Early Access Release Date Announcement: Hello guys, I'm excited to annouce that Mist Survival will be released on Steam Early Access "August 15th". Check out the new trailer here. :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcUi-whCWs8&feature=youtu.beABOUT MIST SURVIVAL. New Version Update, ( Progress update inside ): New Version Update New Version Update New Version Update New Version Update New Version Update 0.1.7-------------------------------------------------#Bug Fixed** Critical **- Steam VR : Auto Launch (Not sure this is solve :: Please contact me again if the issue still happen, i already turn off Steam VR Auto Launch)- Can't move Object- FOV Black, Grey, White, Red Screen- Item Spawn Infinite ()------- AnimalHide, Leather, Dry meat, Dissappear- Item Lost : Store in Fridge :: (Fridge bug stat off : Item Decay go to 0% then dissappear)- Generator, 'Press ESC while fill gas progress bug'- CAR : stuck on the slope (New Car physic :: Eperiment) ***- CAR : Fill tank, press ESC while Progress Bug- CAR : Bug : Parking Car in the Garage :: And get off (Stuck at roof (White house))- CAR : Press ESC while fix the car freeze,- CAR : Keys binding 'F' Bug- Canceling breaking a door with a crowbar freezes the game- ESC While Crafting - Press ESC While moving object- Crouch and Save bug- Saw machine craft bug (you cant craft if without SAW)- Egg (Can eat it now.)- Items drop from the zombies when the mist disappears (Only drop when you kill them).- Grab Object and save :: bug- When you press ESC twice during sleep, the game will hang- Fridge status Off / After load save- Wooden walls No Collision detection- Locker and Storage Culling Bug---------------------------------------# Feature - Suicide Option.- Being able to press ESC to exit the menu- increase in car horizon view Limit from 65 Degree -> 135- Generator fuel drain rate Decrase- Sugar farm : Drop from zombie, bandit- Can food new expire date.- Animal hide will no longer dry on 'Drying rack', Only dry on 'Tanning Rack' (if you take it from the drying rack you can't put it back again)----------------------------------------# Draw- Water Barrel Status bug, not being able to climb ladders.- if you drag it to your inventory pop out a sign that say "Loot time 20 minutes" and then you click again somewhere the sign disappear but you cant drag somthing - CAR : ride without use of fuel, press Hold W then turn engine off- Climb Water Tank Bug :: *** For Climb work around press 'Jump' then Climb ***--------------New Version Update Auto save every 10 sec (fixed to every 5 minute)- Crew gone after continue--------------New Version Update Bug Fixed** Critical **- Locker Disappeared- Player fall thorough map on load- Fence Door Dissappear# Feature- Live stock fence/door can be destroyed by axe. Progress Update: Progress Update. New Version Update New Version Update New Version Update New Version Update New Version Update 0.1.4: New Version Update 0.1.4#Bug Fixed- Save glitch (Fmemory writer, LowLevelFatalError (Line42)) ::: 1. open the game continue and save 2. if game still crash you have to NewGame for solve the issue i do apologize about that- Auto save : the ON/OFF doesn't work- Player Fall through map- Bear At Spawn Point (player spawn and die)- Stamina Recover (+20%)- Car Battery Drain Slower- Car Fuel Drain Slower-----------------------------------# DRAW- less FPS than 0.1.1 (Optimize)
Mist Survival Download] [Crack Serial Key